CARI!`s Mid-term Meeting & Bonding
19 July 2022
Author : Comms CARI!
Editor : Intan Manikam Asmara
A few weeks ago, on July 1st, CARI! held a mid-term meeting and bonding to evaluate the first half of the year’s work. The agenda consisted of welcoming new members of CARI!, sharing sessions to harvest lessons learned from our ongoing projects, and capacity building.
Starting with an opening and the introduction of members of CARI! who have just recently joined the team, we then began our first sharing session, “Mission Lao.” CARI! team members who went to Lao PDR shared their journey and experiences in holding a Focus Group Discussion on the development of Comprehensive Multi-hazard Vulnerability and Risk Assessment (CMVRA), and also a workshop on the development of SOPs on National Emergency Operation Centre and National and Local Response Preparedness. In this session, we learned about managing overseas projects effectively and efficiently, and also sharpened our skills in networking and diplomacy.
The second sharing session is “Mission Papua.” CARI! team members carried out a field visit and workshop on June 15-22, 2022, to support CARI! and PPI-ITB for YKAN for the study of “Kajian Kerentanan Pesisir Kepala Burung Papua Barat” and “Kajian Kebijakan: Integrasi Solusi Berbasis Alam (SBA) ke dalam Kebijakan Iklim dan Pengurangan Risiko Bencana di Indonesia” in Sorong City, Sorong Regency, and Raja Ampat Regency, West Papua Province. From this journey, we learned about conducting field observation, collecting secondary data, and interviewing key informants.
After the two sharing sessions, to lighten the mood, we threw a quiz on trivial questions about CARI!. The persons who can answer the questions correctly received special gifts. Then, we started another sharing session titled “Why We Built CARI!” presented by Ridowan and Ridwan Firdaus, the members of the IT division. Through this session, we learned how to apply the third work principle of CARI!; co-creation
To complete the mid-term meeting and bonding, we had an internal capacity building titled “Time & Priority Management” facilitated by Febe, the members of the Research Intelligence division. Through this session, we learned a lot about how to manage our time so we can work more efficiently and how to set our priorities better. Following next is the summary of the plans for Q3 and Q4 2022, explained by the Principal of CARI!, Mizan B. F. Bisri.
The mid-term meeting and bonding were wrapped up with a motivational message from the Vice Principal of CARI!, Rifa Atsari, and a mandatory group photo session with all team members. Hopefully, with the bonding and sharing sessions, team members of CARI! will be able to work better as a team as well as individually.