Our Journey at The 7th Session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction
04 June 2022
Author : Nada Ainayya Ridhani
Editor : Intan Manikam Asmara
The seventh session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (GPDRR) was organized and convened by the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) from 23 to 28 May 2022, in Bali, Indonesia, hosted by the Government of Indonesia. This event was co-chaired by the Government of Indonesia and UNDRR.
This event explored the importance of international solidarity and cooperation, as well as discussed ways to tackle underlying risk drivers both locally and globally. Additionally, this event explored how to strengthen disaster risk governance and how to build stronger systems for managing all types of risks. GPDRR 2022 offered a chance for governments, the UN system, and all stakeholders to recommit, with urgency, to accelerate progress on disaster risk reduction towards the achievement of sustainable development. The Government of Indonesia also presented 7 recommendations for sustainable resilience, known as the Bali Agenda for Resilience.
About seven of our core team attended and contributed to several GPDRR programs. Our Vice Principals, Retno Rifa Atsari, M.Sc and Yos Maryo Malole, M.Sc spoke at two special events; Ignite Stage and Panggung Resiliensi. Not only that, we are honored to support the National Agency for Disaster Management (BNPB) to launch Indonesia Disaster Resilience Outlook 2022-2024 (IDRO) at the Local Leaders Forum, and also participated in many important forums.
Furthermore, to get the full story of our journey at the GPDRR 2022 event, please check out to the following recap:
Ignite Stage
Our Vice Principals; Retno Rifa Atsari, M.Sc and Yos Maryo Malole, M.Sc spoke at the Ignite Stage
On May 26, 2022, our Ignite presentation gave us a chance to present our free-to-use machine-assisted disaster knowledge engine , Indonesia Disaster Knowledge Update (IDKU), and how the general public and our partners leverage CARI's tool for a tailor-made science-based risk diagnostic in Indonesia and other ASEAN countries.
We shared our ‘reason for being’ which contributes to moving Indonesia towards becoming a solutions center for resilient-building and Sustainable Development by developing in-house technologies, which produce a search engine that curates and geo-tags disaster-related scientific publications sourced from various repositories globally.
We explained how we engage not only in the scientific market, but also in non-scientific communities through the release of the Indonesia Disaster Knowledge Update and through social media. We also explained how we work in direct inclusivity between the public and private sectors through our premium analytics.
You can also watch our Ignite presentation on the UNDRR’s Youtube channel and our Instagram post
Local Leaders Forum: Towards Inclusive, Safe, Resilient & Sustainable Cities
Head of BNPB handed over the Indonesia Disaster Resilience Outlook 2022-2024 (IDRO) to Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary General for DRR & Head of UNDRR
One of the sessions in the GPDRR 2022 event was the Local Leaders Forum. It was held on 23 May 2022 in Bali and organized by the Making Cities Resilient 2030 (MCR2030) global partnership, BNPB, UCLG, and ICLEI. It aims to ‘Leave No Municipality Behind’ as they scale up their climate and disaster risk reduction activities. The Local Leaders Forum showcased how municipalities are using disaster risk management to strengthen resilience across various sectors and achieve progress against the SDGs.
The background of this forum is that over the past 7 years many mayors and local leaders have used the Sendai Framework as a guide to developing more inclusive and integrated local resilience assessments and planning as a basis for action to reduce climate and disaster risk. However, a significant scale-up and localization of action on SDGs are needed ahead of 2030. The expectation then is to evaluate what happens at the sub-national level in the second half of the 2030 Agenda and will, in large part, determine the level of progress achieved by the end of the decade.
In this forum, CARI! supported the National Agency for Disaster Management (BNPB) to launch Indonesia Disaster Resilience Outlook 2022-2024 (IDRO).
Panggung Resiliensi : Indonesia Disaster Resilience Outlook
CARI! collaborated with BNPB and SIAP-SIAGA shared about Indonesia Disaster Resilience Outlook 2022-2024 (IDRO)
On May 25, 2022, CARI! in collaboration with BNPB and SIAP-SIAGA contributed to the Panggung Resiliensi which was held at Rumah Resiliensi Indonesia to present Indonesia Disaster Resilience Outlook 2022-2024 (IDRO). IDRO was consolidated from an assessment called “Rapid Nationwide Resilience Assessment using Making Cities Resilient 2030 (MCR2030) Stage-Assessment and Standard for the Development of Disaster Areas / SPDAB-concept” conducted by BNPB, with support from the Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Disaster Risk Management (SIAP SIAGA Program), and technical support from CARI!.
The study shows the percentage of Indonesian cities/districts in Stage A, B, or C within the Making Cities Resilient 2030 (MCR2030) framework, each having a different roadmap for genuinely creating resilience. The IDRO also shows various resilience approaches and measurements used in Indonesia over the past ten years. Moving forwards, the SPDAB-concept is being prepared as a skeleton for creating the new Local Resilience Index (new-IKD) to replace the then 71-indicators of Indonesian IKD. It is believed that this study will be able to help BNPB and development partners to know more clearly where and how to support cities from each stage. The result of this report can be used as a baseline to see the progress of cities in building resilience.
For more information regarding IDRO, please download the ebook from the BNPB’s website in the near future.
Panggung Resiliensi : CARI! Knowledge Management for Local Resilience
Our Vice Principal, Retno Rifa Atsari, M.Sc and our Full Stack Developer, Ridwan Firdaus, S.Kom spoke at Panggung Resiliensi in Rumah Resiliensi Indonesia
This session was held on Wednesday, May 25, 2022, in Rumah Resiliensi Indonesia. CARI! gave a presentation, to share about the development of its disaster-based knowledge system. CARI! was developed because even though there were already many activities that have been done to reduce disaster risk, there are still many activities that have not yet been integrated nationally and locally. There is still a lot of research on disasters and risks in Indonesia that has not yet reached the intended stakeholders. Thus, CARI!’ was developed, attempting to create a system of data and convert the data into information to increase knowledge, to make Indonesia the world’s reference in building resilience by using information and technology.
CARI! then presented its innovation products, the Main Portal, which connects data and information about disasters in Indonesia with a list of scientific publications from all around the world about Indonesia. CARI! also presented the first and the one and only Indonesia Disaster Knowledge Update, a monthly publication of an analysis of Indonesia’s disaster knowledge on situations, strategies, and trends, summarized in 2-3 pages. CARI! also promoted its premium services, such as tailor-made research or analytics and capacity building, and customized or on-premise knowledge management system.
Our team also participated in other important forums such as; Strengthening Business Resilience for Humanitarian & Development Agenda hosted by KADIN, and Private Sector Leader’s Forum hosted by A-PAD Indonesia and Indonesia Global Compact Network. In this forum, our Senior Associate, Dr. Rahma Hanifa, also presented the importance of ICT and knowledge management in DRR as an investment to help the private sector build social and economic resilience, highlighting a good practice of social entrepreneurship in DRM from Indonesia. We also participated in signing the ‘Declaration of Private Sectors And Civil Societies’ as a statement of our support for private sectors in implementing social and economic resilience.
CARI! participated in forum hosted by KADIN
CARI! participated in Private Sector Leader’s Forum hosted by A-PAD Indonesia and Indonesia Global Compact Network
Our Senior Associate, Dr. Rahma Hanifa presented at the Private Sector Leader’s Forum hosted by A-PAD Indonesia and Indonesia Global Compact Network
Since this global forum is an avenue to share knowledge and discuss the latest developments and trends in disaster risk reduction, we also took advantage of this momentum to share and solicit constructive input from experts regarding our machine-learning invention in supporting resilience building in Indonesia and beyond.
CARI! team with Prof. Rajib Shaw, Noralene Uy, Ph. D., and Akhilesh Surjan, Ph. D.
Our Vice Principal, Yos Maryo Malole, M.Sc explained about CARI!'s free-to-use machine-assisted disaster knowledge engine
Our journey doesn't stop here! Our commitment to make positive changes for a more resilient, sustainable, and inclusive Indonesia through our works and innovations will continue to grow. We believe that Indonesia has already shifted from merely a home of disaster events into a disaster-science laboratory, and CARI! is moving Indonesia towards becoming a solutions center for resilient-building and Sustainable Development.
Additional information:
The contents of the article, both the chosen point of view and the ideas included are the full responsibility of the author. This article is not intended to convey the official views of CARI!