Fajar Ajie Setiawan, Ph.D Disaster Management Research Officer


Ajie is a lecturer and researcher with ±10 years of professional and academic experience. He obtained his Ph.D. from Kobe University with the MEXT Scholarship from the Japanese Government. His research focuses on international environmental law and global environmental governance, with specific interest ranging from transboundary movement of hazardous waste and plastic waste including marine plastic litters, and environmental protection in general. Ajie was one of 30 cohorts selected for Science Leadership Collaborative 2022/2023, a world-class leadership program. He was also one of 20 people selected to participate in ASEAN-Japan’s Future Leaders for Future Leaders’ Declaration on ASEAN-Japan Cooperation for International Marine Plastic Waste in Tokyo on March 15, 2021, and one of 26 young scholars for International Law Association's 79th Biennial Conference 2020 in Kyoto, Japan. After pursuing his PhD, Ajie will continue as a research fellow at Kobe University, Japan.