Technical Study for “Standar Pengembangan Daerah Aman Bencana (SPDAB)"

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CARI! had supported National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) and SIAP SIAGA Programme in developing Standards for the Development of Disaster Safe Areas (Standar Pengembangan Daerah Aman Bencana/SPDAB) Academic Draft in 2020. SPDAB is the most recent assessment concept (since 2020) which was intended for regencies/cities. It was developed through synthesis using various reference standards/indexes to measure regencies/cities’ resilience, previously existed and implemented in Indonesia in the last decade. The development of SPDAB was intended to overcome the challenges of previous regencies/cities’ resilience assessments, which have not been able to provide a comprehensive representation of national resilience due to different tools and limited scope of standards/indexes. Through this project, CARI! conducted assessment, review, and evaluation on policies and programs related to disaster management and resilience development.