InaRISK User Usability Study and Promotional Video Production

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The InaRISK portal was developed by BNPB with support from UNDP as part of the risk management information service at national and sub-national levels released in 2016. In its development, the mainstreaming of the use of InaRISK in various development sectors by the expected parties so far is still not optimally utilized, both in terms of quantity and intensity. Therefore in 2020, CARI! supported Mercy Corps with BNPB in the INVEST-DM program to initiate a study on the pattern of utilization of InaRISK. The results of the study are used in the preparation of development and promotion strategies of InaRISK so it can reach targetted users effectively and users can utilize InaRisk optimally. In this project, CARI! also produced InaRISK promotional videos.