Rapid Nationwide Resilience Assessment for Making Cities Resilient Stages-assessment and Standard for The Development of Disaster Safe Areas
CARI! supported BNPB and SIAP SIAGA in conducting a rapid nationwide resilience assessment in 2021. This study was carried out using two different assessment tools, e.g., Making Cities Resilient (MCR) 2030 and Development Standards for Disaster Safe Areas (Standar Pengembangan Daerah Aman Bencana or SPDAB). CARI! managed to assess 514 districts/cities using MCR 2030 and 253 districts/cities assessed using SPDAB. This study indicated that most districts/cities in Indonesia were already in Stage C of MCR, meaning that districts/cities possess a commitment to implement and mainstream DRR and resilience across all sectors and share experiences with other districts/cities. Compared to MCR, the assessment result using SPDAB showed that most districts/cities are in the SPDAB Transisi level. Through this study, CARI! also provided technical recommendations for improving the SPDAB assessment tool and potential follow-up for enhancing sub-national resilience.