Technical Work for Developing ASEAN’s AADMER Work Programme 2021-2025
In 2020, the ASEAN Secretariat developed the ASEAN Agreement on the Disaster Management and Emergency Response (AADMER) Work Programme 2021-2025 with the aim of continuing the momentum made by the ASEAN on regional disaster management collaborations, which was laid out in 2009. The development was guided by the vision to “build a region of disaster-resilient nations, mutually assisting and complementing one another, sharing a common bond in minimizing adverse effects of disasters in pursuit of safer communities and sustainable development”. The work programme includes guidance on the implementation mechanisms for activities formulated to achieve the intended output. For this project, CARI! was involved in the evaluation of the programs that the ASEAN Secretariat and its Member States have implemented. CARI! was also involved in the framework development and in the writing of the monitoring and evaluation chapter, which includes implementation monitoring and results monitoring.