
Risk analysis of seismic bridge damage: case study after Lombok and Palu earthquake

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  • Author : Putra Risma (Institute of Road Engineering, Agency of Research and Development, Ministry of Public Works Republic of Indonesia), Adi Riyono Winarputro (Institute of Road Engineering, Agency of Research and Development, Ministry of Public Works Republic of Indonesia)
  • DOI : 10.1051/e3sconf/202015603008


Indonesia is known as an earthquake-prone region, lies in the ring of fire zone. This potential hazard can impact several infrastructures, including bridges. Seismic bridge damages could possibly disrupt traffic flow furthermore cut off the regional connectivity. In this study, risk analysis is carried out on several bridges after Lombok and Palu earthquake. Visual inspection has been undertaken on 38 bridges on-site, and several damages identification are reported. Risk analysis was then carried out according to the severity of element damages and the frequency of occurrence. From the analysis, it is concluded that embankment settlement in the approach road is found to be the most potential element with the highest risk of damage due to earthquakes. Besides, the superstructure displacement and crack in the wing wall are at moderate risk. This finding makes the substructure become the most vulnerable element which needs more attention. Therefore, it is recommended to specify a higher design specification for substructure to mitigate seismic bridge damages, especially for bridges located in the high seismic zone area. Show More


  • Tahun :2020
  • Tipe Publikasi :Penelitian
  • Tanggal Publikasi :
  • Sumber :caribencana