
Pandeglang regency spatial evaluation based on tsunami hazard potential

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  • Author : Nauval Majid Roihan (Department of Geography, Universitas Indonesia), Nurlambang Triarko (Department of Geography, Universitas Indonesia)
  • DOI : 10.1051/e3sconf/202015604010


The coastal area of Pandeglang Regency is one area that has the potential to be affected by the tsunami. The existence of the Krakatau Anak Volcano and plate subduction paths in the Sunda Strait cause Pandeglang Regency to become one of the regions that has a tsunami potential. One of the steps to anticipate the tsunami disaster is to do spatial planning that has considered the potential tsunami hazard. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the spatial area of Pandeglang Regency based on the identification of potential tsunami hazards. The identification of potential tsunami hazards is done by modeling the potential distribution of tsunami wave heights in coastal areas using GIS modeling. The results of the identification of potential tsunami hazards on the coast of Pandeglang Regency showed that an area of 194.15 hectares of residential land and the location of existing activities had the potential to be affected by the tsunami. The total area of the coastal area of Pandeglang Regency which was potentially affected by the tsunami hazard reached 1483.26 hectares. The results of a review of the Pandeglang Regency`s spatial plan showed that 488.22 hectares of land were found in the planned residential spatial patterns that were potentially affected by the tsunami. Therefore, the regional spatial plan of Pandeglang Regency in the study area needs to be evaluated by changing the function of residential land that has the potential to be affected by the tsunami hazard to the border of the beach or other open land. Show More


  • Tahun :2020
  • Tipe Publikasi :Penelitian
  • Tanggal Publikasi :
  • Sumber :caribencana