
Third-Party Intervention in Asymmetric Conflict Resolution Pasar Raya Padang Post-Earthquake in 2009

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  • Author : Putra Ikhsan Muharma, Fitlayeni Rinel, Marleni, Afrizal, Indraddin
  • DOI : 10.1051/shsconf/20184200041


After earthquake 30 September 2009 Raya Market Padang began to be disturbed. Padang City Government responded quickly with construction of an emergency store, but has Opposed by some traders because decreased profits and low visitors. This condition triggered a long conflict and has been going on for five years (2009-2014). Many efforts have been made by stakeholders to find a conflict resolution, so it is important to further elaborate who actor has become a third party facilitating asymmetric conflict resolution. Based on the findings, the parties who really are in the position of a third party is the DPRD of Padang City and KOMNASHAM RI. The DPRD of Padang is structurally in the position of the government, but its function is as a representative of the people in the government. This position makes the slices between the DPRD and the traders as the people (constituents) and slices with Padang City Government as executive of the city government. The intervention undertaken by the DPRD was Hearing to Raya Market traders, and involving their representatives at the hearing, the DPRD working meeting discussing the issues related in 2nd Commission. Other interventions are controlling the rehabilitation and reconstruction process, and the realization of budgeting in APBD based on the needs of traders. Show More


  • Tahun :2018
  • Tipe Publikasi :Penelitian
  • Tanggal Publikasi :
  • Sumber :caribencana