
Correlation of geological conditions and levels of damage in Palu earthquake

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  • Author : Hidayat R.
  • DOI : 10.1088/1757-899X/650/1/012022


The earthquake was occurred in Palu with magnitude 7.4 SR on September 28, 2018. The earthquake caused damage in infrastructure, settlements and casualties. The earthquake also caused liquefaction in Petobo and Balaroa. One of the factors that influence to the level of damage is geological conditions such as geological structures (faults) and rock types. The presence of faults determines the earthquake zone, so that it greatly affects the level of damage. The type of rock in Palu generally consists of allufial deposits and sedimentary rocks, make the level of damage that occurs has different levels. The results from survey showed that the level of damage to buildings was strongly related to the earthquake zone and rock conditions. Earthquake induce damage more intensively in locations with rocks in the form of soft allufial deposits and closed to the earthquake zone. This condition can be taken into consideration in earthquake disaster mitigation actions. The arrangement of the city of Palu must be carried out with careful planning because the Palu area is on a high tectonic route. To reduce the risk of disasters, structuring and development need to consider a map of earthquake-prone zones of damage. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. Show More


  • Tahun :2019
  • Tipe Publikasi :Penelitian
  • Tanggal Publikasi :
  • Sumber :caribencana