
The 26 December 2004 Tsunami: A hydraulic engineering phenomenon of international significance. First comments

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  • Author : Chanson H.
  • DOI : 10.1051/lhb:200502001


The 26 December 2004 tsunami was caused by a massive earthquake of magnitude 9.0 off western Sumatra. The tsunami waves propagated in the Indian Ocean with an amplitude of between 0.5 to 1 m. The tsunami waters surged on all coastlines of the Indian Ocean, but the impact was most dramatic in Aceh (Indonesia), Sri Lanka, India and Thailand. This event demonstrated that present tsunami models are not accurate to predict wave runup heights for an event of that magnitude. Show More


  • Tahun :2005
  • Tipe Publikasi :Penelitian
  • Tanggal Publikasi :
  • Sumber :caribencana