
Halaman ini berisi produk informasi CEST-ITB, termasuk dokumen, laporan survey, peta, foto, dan lainnya.
Nama Deskripsi Tipe Sumber Tanggal
RECONSTRUCTION PRACTICES IN ACEH AFTER 2004 TSUNAIMI DISASTER This study was conducted to investigate and assess the current house building pr... Dokumen penelitian cest 2008-12-17
Human casualty and damage distribution in relation to seismic intensity in the 2006 Central Java earthquake in Indonesia The 2006 Central Java (Jogyakarta) earthquake occurred on May 27, and caused 140... Dokumen penelitian cest 2008-12-17
LEARNING FROM RECENT INDONESIAN EARTHQUAKES: AN OVERVIEW TO IMPROVE STRUCTURAL PERFORMANCE In the last four years, Indonesia has experienced numerous major earthquakes, fr... Dokumen penelitian cest 2008-12-17
Some Lessons from Yogyakarta Earthquake of May 27 2006 The earthquake of moment magnitude, Mw 6.3 in Yogyakarta and Central Java on May... Dokumen penelitian cest 2008-11-16
Construction Management Aspect in A Massive Recontruction Program of Earthquake Devastated Area Case Study of Flores Island, Indonesia ... Dokumen penelitian cest 1996-01-01